Since we eat so much more often than we fast, let's talk recipes! Healthy recipes, of course.
Easy healthy recipes that consist of more of the high-quality whole foods our cleansed palettes are naturally drawn to after a fast or cleansing diet. To improve our health, fasting alone isn't the sole answer. Making better food choices and lifestyle decisions afterward is critical.
To nourish ourselves properly, we really need to cook for ourselves. And, I don't know about you, but as much as I love cooking, I don't want to spend all day in the kitchen.
Luckily, once we adjust our kitchen routines to accomodate natural foods, we really don't have to spend long hours in the kitchen. Simple recipes actually accomodate whole and natural foods quite nicely. There's an honest depth to the richness and full flavors of these true foods that doesn't require a lot of fuss.
These simple, but robust, flavors are enjoyed more deeply as we steer ourselves further and further away from commercially-produced foods. Loud and complex flavorings and seasonings, typical of convenience and processed foods, feel harsh and offensive to the cleansed palette enjoying whole and natural foods.
Once you've eliminated the fragmented foods from your diet and found freedom from the bewildering and incessant cravings they produce, you'll find such simple foods to be more satisfying and "feel" differently on your belly. You'll feel the greater sense of nourishment and satisfaction on all levels.
Foster this connection with your own body. FEEL inside for how a food is reacting with you. Listen for subtle signs and messages. Since we are each biochemically unique, we need to follow our own guidance toward the foods that will nourish us best. It's a wonderful journey of constant discovery!
You may notice the recipes are all vegetarian. For an explanation of where I stand personally on meat-eating, see Is AllAboutFasting Pro-Meat or Vegan?
I'll be adding recipes and information regularly as I journey into my own discoveries, so I hope you'll return often to see what's new.
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Healthy Salad Dressing Recipes Throw out your bottled dressings and learn to make healthy salad dressings from fresh ingredients.
Quinoa Recipes Hot or cold, quinoa is a winner! Anyone who loves pasta salads will love quinoa salads.
Homemade Frozen Yogurt Frozen yogurt is so easy to make at home, with just a couple of wholesome ingredients. So enjoy this healthful treat anytime.
Healthy Chocolate An easy recipe for making your own healthy chocolate fudge and avoiding the refined sugars and additives in
manufactured chocolate products.